Sunday, November 30, 2008

make yourself sick popcorn

ok this is a bad idea but really good at the same time. I imagine that was what they said when the discovered alcohol.
you start by popping your own popcorn in butter flavored oil. I use one of those back to the basic devises with a crank on it. it brings back memories of sitting with my family in a one room cabin with the wind howling outside and cooking up fresh popcorn on the pot belly stove to warm our spirits. we had just put our golden lab to rest because of a case of rabies. good times.
any way once the popcorn is done put it in a large bowl and shake while adding nacho cheese flavoring, dry butter flavoring and white cheddar flavoring. these are all flavors I found at the house that wally built. then I also shake on some salt, pepper and parmesan cheese. keep shaking your not done. it should have changed colors several times by now and you are ready for the last and most important ingredient. smoke chipotle tabasco sauce. not too much just enough to give it some smokey goodness zing. it will be hard to stop eating even though your stomach may be whispering in your ear "this will not go over well" 2 hours later you should have an achy back and violent contractions of the gut, but what a ride!!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

I think that is Jer's dream popcorn, yet sounds disgusting and difficult. Last night me and the boys tried marshmallow popcorn. No, I did not invent it, and yes, it was delicious (like kettle corn). I felt it went with the theme of "elf". You remember he has candy/syrup on everything he eats. It was a good time.