Friday, March 9, 2012

We have a secret visiter

Max for some reason felt the cats needed 3 cups of food instead of one. So the next day I went out and noticed the food was gone and the bag was tipped over and someone had been eating out of it. I put the bag on a high shelf and told everyone only one scoop of food, this way they eat it all in the morning and still hunt critters around the yard. Heidi bought another bag of food and set it on the floor in the little room the cat door opens into. The next morning I found the entire bag of unopened cat food halfway out the cat door, whatever it was was trying really hard to get it open or get the entire bag out the little cat door.
So tonight I set a trap, I have the cats locked in the garage and switced the cat door to swing in only and not out so whatever is getting into the cat room will be trapped there tonight. I figure by tomorrow I should have either a pot of gold or a coon skin cap!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

It's pinewood derby time

We recently had a pinewood derbis for the Elders and I did pretty well. I had a hang up with one wheel but once it was figured out I was flying even beat the fastest car there on one run, if it wasn't for my bad first runs I think my overall times would have placed my first. And I had by far the coolest car there.
But now Max has decided to try out scouts and has a pinewood derby coming up. I am letting him choose his design and he will do most of the sanding and painting I will do the cutting and help with suggestions on wheels and weights but to satisfy my itch and not take over his project I will be building one with him. I chose a jeep this time and I think it will be really cool. Now to clean up the wood shop and hit the hobby store with Max. We are in for some good father and son time.